“Other things may change us, but we start and end with family” Anthony Brandt

Sunday, December 19, 2010


I called Santa today to see if he would stop by our house tonight...we are having our christmas a little early. Going home one weds and andrew has to work this weekend so tonight is a perfect night for him to come. I will post picture tomorrow and maybe video with my new flip.

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Alex was ready to see Santa this year which was the first year he is going to sit on his lap and tell him what he would want. Andrea was the first one on Santa's lap and even told him what abby would like. Abby could care less and did not want nothing to do with him.
This picture is better than the first on posted everyone is looking at daddy who was taking the picture.

There house they decorated it took them two days to decorate they are so pround of the hard work they did.

3 parents, 4 kids, and 38 cookies = a fun time

38 cookies, 4 kids, and 3 parents

Abby doing more eating than decorating

Alex and Kaiden

Wow!!! Andrea save some for the cookies lol she had a blast with all the decorating