“Other things may change us, but we start and end with family” Anthony Brandt

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Fathers Day

We spent Fathers Day at the Garden of the Gods; we walked around, climbed on all the rocks it seemed like, and had a picnic. Abby really did not like getting on the rocks she was more into just walking around and playing in the dirt. Her and Andrea's butts were red from sitting on the ground playing.
Alex was not to sure about sitting up there but did it anyways because his sisters did. He was more into climbing the smaller rock.

Some of the rocks you could climb throw it was kinda neat to see all of them.

Look how cute and innocent she looks.....

This is Mr. A he wanted to cut his hair like this so I said OK, it lasted about two days and then he wanted all of it off so we would start calling him Sergeant Schmidt.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

My three skaters

This has become the it thing to do everyday we go outside, they are getting good and no i do not mean they are doing tricks or anything like that but they have been standing on them and moving without falling off and that is so much better then when they first got them.
Abby being brave and just not wanting to sit on her board, I am glad they are all small board and not the big boards I think we would have been in the hospital by know.

This is my fav. they all look like they know what is going on even thought if one fall at this moment they would all go down. lol love the smiles

Hail, rain and a bunch of fun!!!!

Once again we were so lucky to get another hail storm this time no damages to my car. I let the kids go outside and play after the storm was over and the all clear was given on post. As you can see Alex was having fun and Abby was trying to get away from the water. The hail was about marble size and covered the ground like snow, glad it melted fast.
Abby taking a turn in the water with out the other two to splash her.

They were all jumping and have a blast (as I tried to not get wet but with all three jumping the water was going every where)


It started to rain again so this was taken right before we went back in. I was afraid it was going to hail again or lighting this weather is so crazy right know.