“Other things may change us, but we start and end with family” Anthony Brandt

Monday, November 23, 2009

Little Miss Abigail

Abby had her tubs put in her ears this morning, she did really good. Had a bit of trouble waking up and I am pretty sure she was a little mad at us for leaving her with the doctors. But she is doing good, she has slept amost all day think she is feeling much better through. There was fluid in her ears that has been coming out all day and the doctors said that was good know she will be able to hear better than what she was and maybe no more med for this little girl.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

My School

I have six classes left to take and then I will be done. I just got the grades for my last to classes and I got and A in one and a B :( in the other. I cannot wait till I am done not to much longer.

First School Picture

This is Alex's first school picture........ I will be passing the out soon, so if you have not gotten one please ask I forget sometimes who I have givin them to.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Pumpkin Farm

This was taken at a pumpkin farm in Carl Junction about three weeks or so ago. They had so much fun picking out the pumpkins and mums.
I have never seen a red pumpkin it was neat to look at.

Goint to pick out the mums Andrea talked her Papa into a purple one...lol it was to cute.

Andrea found the pumpkins that were almost bigger than her....I would hate to carve one of them.....I was happy she just wanted to look at them, it would have look funny on our porch.

The pumpkins we carved: Alex had the big one which has a monster and his name. Andrea and abby help withh the med. one which is just a face and the baby pumpkin was Alex which he did like three weeks ago.Trying to get them all to look is the hard part...

Meow...... She is so happy. Abby is a cat but that is the only outfit she would keep one the other cat outfits she would take off and than laugh at me...lol what a stinker